TRELIS Toolkit

Open-access curriculum for training and retaining leaders in STEM

Session 2: Career Trajectories


This session will consist of a panel of leaders on their different career paths. The key message behind the TRELIS workshops is that careers are not (and do not need to be) the ladders they are often portrayed as. Progression throughout a career may instead be depicted as a trellis, less linear with broader ranges in the movement between jobs and opportunities. Panelists will answer a set of starter questions (see below) with time reserved for participant-driven questions and conversation.

Notes: Materials for this session were originally collated and presented by Kate Beard-Tisdale and Sarah Battersby.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to…

Materials Needed

In this session, you will need the following materials:

Pre-Workshop Tasks

This session has no pre-workshop tasks.

Session Activity (Panel)

The panel will begin with the moderator posing 3-4 starter questions to all of the panelists to get conversation going:

After the starter questions have been answered, the floor is opened for participant-driven questions and discussion.